so,hai...we meet again..kali ni
aku balik for raya..maybe raya
kat marang
eh,btw,hari ni birthday nurfazreen
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sis.may Allah
bless,hari ni,kite nk awk tau yg ILY TO INFINITY AND BEYOND.and thank you for everything my dear........,hari2 sekolah aku,mcm biase je.
baru habis trial.result aku teruk mcm biasa.
smlm baru je jumpe kakak..
well,dia ok je buat setakat ni..
still sanggup advise aku although
hati aku kuat ckp,tk nk ikut ape2 pun.
sorry sis,but bkn mudah nk pujuk kite.
i know you know me in and out.thank you.
hmmm..ok lah.nk tidur.ngantuk.
kakak,nyte,sleep well.ily.